Urban Harvest and Covid-19

Urban Harvest and Covid-19
As I have prayed over this Covid-19 crisis, one word continually comes to me. Opportunity. Those who have the Light of the world in their hearts are given an opportunity to shine that light perhaps like never before in our nation. As our neighbors walk in fear, we can walk unafraid as Psalm 91 reminds us of the protection of those who make the Lord their refuge. As people have no peace, we walk in the “peace that surpasses all human understanding,” a peace that Paul says will “guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7). We thank God for this opportunity and pray we will be faithful beacons of the Hope and Truth of the Gospel.
While much has changed around us, one thing has not changed, and that is the work of Urban Harvest. Modern technology has allowed us to reach into homes with worship, teaching and encouragement. Last Sunday, 31 families in the Bronx joined us in their homes. We will continue reaching out in this manner until the ‘green light’ is given to resume business as normal. But I hope it will never be business as normal. I hope that we will join together on that day with a greater appreciation for what God has given us and with neighbors who have never sought Him before but are now because of our lights in this dark time.
The ministries of Hope for the City and IGNITE continue as we encourage pastors, leaders, and young adults during this challenging time. Due to the closing of campuses and jobs, weekly discipleship sessions via video conferencing are taking place with young adults. We are thankful for the opportunity to continue diving into God’s Word together.
All who are in faith ministry have seen how charitable giving can decrease during economic crisis. We are already experiencing it. We ask that you remember UHM and our faithful ministry that continues during this crisis. It is through your generous giving that these lives are touched and changed by the grace of God. Thank you for your faithfulness and for your prayers!
God bless you all! We love you, pray for you, and deeply appreciate your prayers and partnership!
In Christ,
Dr. Tom Grassano