A Special Anniversary

Everyone has defining moments in their lives – events that shape our worldview, our beliefs and our character. My defining moment came from a journey that began when I was in elementary school and the nurse discovered that I had scoliosis, curvature of the spine. Orthopedic doctors gave me a back brace they said would help my spine straighten as I grew. Eventually the doctors said that the brace was not helping me. My curvature was getting worse and I would need spinal fusion surgery.
I believe with all of my heart that God can heal with miracles today just like He did in the Bible. I also believe that God is sovereign and He can choose not to heal miraculously. I remember asking God to heal me and if He chose not to, to be with me in a very real and tangible way. The morning of my surgery, I woke up like a child excited to go to an amusement park. I sat in the waiting room with my parents and a few members of my church family with such an amazing joy and peace. I knew God’s Word is Truth for the whole world, but I realized that God’s Word was also true for 15-year-old me. When He said that His peace will exceed anything we can understand (Philippians 4:7), it became truth for me. This is the kind of peace that washed over me and gave me joy that I couldn’t understand. His joy truly is our strength.
The next 15 months of recuperation taught me about the faithfulness of God in the midst of constant pain and frustration. I was 15 years old and couldn’t stand or do anything for myself without assistance. But I felt that God was with me. He was healing me one little bit at a time. Every moment of every day, He was there.
I know now that the path He chose for me was perfect. I would not be the person I am today if it was not for that defining moment of my life. I am so grateful that God chose this experience for me!
On October 12th, 2020, I will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the day of my spinal fusion surgery. That is 15 years of having two 13-inch titanium rods screwed to my spine with vertebrae fused around it. From this October 12th on, more of my life will be with rods than without them. That may seem distressing to some, but for me it is an opportunity for rejoicing!
My favorite Bible verse is Job 36:15 which states “By means of their suffering, [God] rescues those who suffer. For He gets their attention through adversity.” My God has rescued me! He has captured my attention and my eyes will continue to look to Him for the rest of my days. I look forward to the day of His return which is coming soon. Until then, I continue to share about His truth and His faithfulness, His hope and His peace. There are so many that do not know Him or the joy they can experience in His loving embrace. Let us continue in faithfulness until all have heard the Gospel!
With love in Christ,
Angel Grassano
Assistant Director of UHM
October 2020