His Word will not return empty!
Many times in this ministry, we have been reminded of God’s words in Isaiah 55:11, “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.” Sometimes years after the seeds were sown, we see the fruit come from it, changing the lives of people.
Harry is one of those people. He was part of Kids Explosion, the child evangelism and discipleship ministry at The Harvest Center in the Bronx. He came for several years, hearing the teaching about the love of God and the future he could have by putting his faith in Jesus Christ.
As Harry grew, the pressures on the street were always strong. But Harry was different. He wanted to make something of his life. He failed many times, but always got up and tried again.
Several years ago, I saw Harry on the street. We had not seen each other for quite some time. He came in the Harvest Center and we had a wonderful time of fellowship together. I reminded him of the important things he had learned as a young boy in Kids Explosion. We prayed together. I was so thankful for this reconnection.
You may remember what happened last summer. I saw Harry on the street. Harry shared with me that a man pulled a gun on him the night before. “If I came by the church yesterday like I told you I would, this wouldn’t have happened!” We walked to The Harvest Center where we talked and prayed together. Then Harry asked, “Can I go to the altar and pray?” Of course! Harry knelt in the altar and began pouring his heart out to God. Completely unashamed and desperate for God, Harry cried out in repentance. Then he began praying, “Lord, bless this congregation. Bless these people. We need these people here. Our community needs these people here.”
Harry doesn’t live in the community anymore, so I don’t see him as often as I’d like. I keep in touch with him and many of the guys on the street by text and phone. I rejoiced when I received this text from Harry on Sunday afternoon:
“Jesus is knocking at the door and He wants to come in and make me an overcomer. I can’t allow life challenges to knock me down. If it knocks me down, I must get back up and become an overcomer. Put it in your spirit that “I am an overcomer.” You’re going to fight. Have the courage to stand up for what you believe don’t fool yourself: a true Christian is not weak. Don’t allow the world to intimidate you.”
“God, forgive me for being earthy focused and for not thinking of spiritual things. God sees we messed up and He still loves us no matter what. How many times have we messed up in life because we didn’t allow God to take control? God can elevate us even in the midst of darkness. The devil can’t prevail against us because we know the One who is able to step into the fire. He is the root of David. When the devil has us caught up or trapped up in something, God is able to help us prevail. I am a conqueror because He has prevailed. When Jesus got up, I got up also. When He was risen, I was risen as well. Nobody can do me like Jesus.”
Harry’s words prove this scripture: “So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
God is still working in the South Bronx. The witness of His name is still going forth. Through much adversity and warfare, this ministry still stands as a beacon of light to this community, bringing the hope of the Gospel and the transforming love of God to the hearts of broken people.
Our first service was on Pentecost Sunday in 1995. It happened to be Memorial Day weekend. We celebrate the birth of this ministry every Memorial Day weekend. We ask you to join the people at Harvest in the Bronx in bringing a special gift to this vital outreach. The gates of hell have never prevailed against the Harvest Center, and we believe they never will because this ministry is founded on the Rock of Jesus Christ.
Pray for Harry and so many whom God has set free, along with those for whom we are waiting for the seed to return unto the Lord bearing fruit that brings glory to God. Thank you for your prayers and support of this ministry.