The IGNITE Ministry began in the summer of 2010 with an intensive weekend of study in the Word and involvement in outreach for young adults ages 17-29. It has grown into a year-round mentoring and discipleship ministry. Young adults today are more confused about moral and spiritual truth than ever and lack an understanding of their identity in Christ. IGNITE focuses on personal mentoring and discipleship, teaching the truths of God’s Word, and challenging young adults to live and share their faith in their daily lives and through serving opportunities.


The purpose of IGNITE is to empower this generation to live as an example of Jesus to all (1 Timothy 4:12), to live a lifestyle of worship that is holy unto God (Romans 12:1) and to live co-crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20). It is our passion to inspire a generation to fulfill this commitment to Christ:


It is my mission to be a part of changing my home, my school, my community, and the world for Jesus Christ. I purpose to make Christ the Lord over all areas of my life. I want His will and His desires to be accomplished in me and through me. I want to glorify God in my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I reject anything that does not glorify God. I want God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to have freedom to do whatever they desire in me. I want to be accused of “turning the world upside down for Christ” like the disciples were in Acts 17:6. I have decided to “go deep” at all costs. I desire to be a true WorldChanger.


IGNITE Ministry: empowering young adults to know faith, live faith, and share faith.