UHM is a Great Commission ministry. Everything we do is about fulfilling the mandate to share the hope of the Gospel. We do this first by awakening to the Great Commission, casting the vision among followers of Christ of what can be done in urban communities. Then we empower in the Great Commission, equipping God’s people to pastor their community and bring lasting change to the streets around them. We strategize with pastors for church growth, for the implementation of discipleship programming and the establishment of strategic outreach programs for their community.  Then we lead in the Great Commission, walking the streets and leading in outreach to bring hope to people in need and to model outreach that makes a difference.


With every outreach, months of strategizing, preparing, training, networking, and praying are involved to fit every outreach project into the long-range plans God has given us to see people and communities change.

We are actively involved in mentoring pastors and young leaders. Raising up transformational leaders is a very important part of this ministry for they will be the agents of change in their churches and communities!

One of the most important things we do is to foster relationships with the unchurched to share the Gospel through:

  • Children’s and youth outreach
  • Sports and creative arts outreach
  • Community Family Days and Resource Fairs
  • Homeless Outreach
  • Ministry to families in need
  • Prayer Evangelism including Prayerwalking and Prayer Stations



Years ago in the Bronx, we found many obstacles to breakthrough. After a season of seeking the Lord, God gave us a simple strategy: Pray over every house in a one mile radius of The Harvest Center by going door-to-door. We did it as God instructed us, going out in groups of two and three, praying discretely at each door, not knocking unless impressed to do so. This took several years to accomplish because over 80,000 people live in that one-mile radius! But finally – when the last door had been touched and prayed over – a real spiritual breakthrough came to the community: The crime rate fell. Corruption was cleaned out of the precinct. Drugs and gangs left the parks and playgrounds. Slum Lord housing was torn down. Children’s programs increased. New businesses came into the community. It was obvious what had happened: God changed the spiritual climate of the neighborhood!

Today, Urban Harvest is multiplying the strategies and lessons God taught us through Prayerwalking: Scores of believers are joining together and going boldly into places in the inner city to pray for light to break through and lives to be changed by the power of God. Prayerwalking is vital to any real and lasting change and act as a foundation and an umbrella for all of our efforts.




Prayer Stations are tables with large banners inviting people to come to have us pray for their needs – right then and there. We don’t ask for anything from them except to bring their cares to Jesus, and we lead these neighborhoods of need right to Him. You’d be amazed at the divine appointments that have led to many salvations, healings and answers to prayers of all kinds that happen when you go to God in faith.


These are just some of the methods that God has taught us and that we have seen bring hope, life, and change to people, families and communities!